Regular & Special Track

Title Authors
Performance Comparison of Motion-Related Sensor Technology and Acoustic Sensor Technology in the Field of Human Health Monitoring S. Staab; L. Bröning; J. Luderschmidt; L. Martin
Smart Hydroponic Greenhouse: Internet of Things and Soilless Farming S. Bardi; C. Palazzi
Don’t Judge by Looks: Search User Interface to Make Searchers Reflect on Their Relevance Criteria and Promote Content-Quality-Oriented Web Searches M. Suzuki; Y. Yamamoto
YouTube Videos as Data: Seeing Daily Challenges for People with Visual Impairments During COVID-19 J. Xie; N. Li; S. Lee; J. Carroll
Guidance on applying environmental intelligence to inform green investment C. Douglas; M. Mulligan; A. van Soesbergen; S. Burke
Web-based human activity recognition using images and descriptive web pages C. Cousyn; K. Bouchard; S. Gaboury
Block by block – How Immutable Ledgers Drive Sustainability Efforts D. Dreer; A. Weeger
On integrating intelligent infrastructure and participatory monitoring for environmental modelling: the SMARTLAGOON approach C. Prandi; J. Cecilia; P. Manzoni; S. Peña-Haro; D. Pierson; W. Colom; P. Blanco; C. Garcìa; I. Navarro; J. Senent
Addressing Popularity Bias in Citizen Science Amit; Avi; Guy; Y. Gal
The impact of NFT profile pictures within social network communities S. Casale-Brunet; M. Zichichi; L. Hutchinson; M. Mattavelli; S. Ferretti
Privacy-aware Snippets: Enhancing Assessment of Balance between Privacy Risks and Benefits in Web Search Y. Shimizu; T. Ohki; Y. Yamamoto
Assessing the Causal Impact of Online Instruction due to COVID-19 on Students’ Grades and its aftermath on Grade Prediction Models. O. DEHO; L. LIU; S. JOKSIMOVIC; J. LI; C. ZHAN; J. LIU
Indoor Contact Awareness on Spatiotemporal Analytics with Smartphone-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning L. Gao; S. Konomi
Accessible System and Social Media Mobile Application for Deaf Users A. YERATZIOTIS; A. ACHILLEOS; S. KOUMOU; R. THIBODEAU; E. VANEZI; G. GERATZIOTIS; G. PAPADOPOULOS
Recognizing the Age, Gender, and Mobility of Pedestrians in Smart Cities using a CNN-BGRU on Thermal Images R. Baghezza; K. Bouchard; C. Gouin-Vallerand
Exploring Anxiety of Québec University Community during COVID-19 Pandemic via Machine Learning J. Maitre; C. Bercgeron-Leclerc; D. Maltais; S. Gaboury
Information Presentation Methods for Setting Achievable and Meaningful Goals on Fitness Apps N. Oda; K. Hyuk; Y. Yamamoto
Towards Digital Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Neurocognitive Disorder: the INFORMA Software Platform C. Fantozzi; A. Zanella; M. Simoni; D. Gollin; C. Ruaro; M. Casa; A. Codemo; E. Gasparoli; C. Gabelli
Sleepminting, the brand new frontier of Non Fungible Tokens fraud B. Guidi; A. Michienzi
Explaining food security warning signals with YouTube transcriptions and local news articles C. Ba; C. Choquet; R. Interdonato; M. Roche
Analysis of Trust Factors in Children’s Abilities to Use Digital Devices Y. Sawaya; A. Sano; T. Nakamura; T. Isohara
Tracking socio-economic activities in European countries with unconventional data M. Colagrossi; S. Consoli; F. Panella; L. Barbaglia
A Collaborative Human-AI Workflow for Citizen Science Y. Gal; A. Segal; E. Kamar; E. Horvitz; C. Lintott; M. Walmsley
Fuzzy matching on big-data: an illustration with scanner and crowd-sourced nutritional datasets L. Galiana; M. Castillo
Temporal analysis of cooperative behaviour in a blockchain for humanitarian aid during the COVID-19 pandemic C. Ba; A. Galdeman; M. Zignani; S. Gaito
Unconventional data for policy: Using Big Data for detecting Italian innovative SMEs C. Bottai; L. Crosato; J. Domenech; M. Guerzoni; C. Liberati
On the Use of Chatbots to Report Non-consensual Intimate Images Abuses: the Legal Expert Perspective M. Falduti; S. Tessaris
Useful work: a new protocol to ensure usefulness of PoW-based consensus for blockchain A. Toulemonde; L. Besson; L. Goubin; J. Patarin
The Street as a Reflective Space to Increase Citizen Awareness of Social Justice in the Fashion Industry E. Rodríguez-Barbará; O. Gómez-Carmona; A. Ferrer; B. Gómez-Fortes; S. Kados; D. López-de-Ipiña; D. Casado-Mansilla
Measuring the Uncertainty of Environmental Good Preferences with Bayesian Deep Learning R. Flores; M. Tlachac; E. Rundensteiner
A Blockchain-Based approach in Healthcare Supply Chain using Smart Contracts and Decentralized Storage Systems M. Rashid; S. Lee; P. Choi; K. Kwon
CloudRecoMan: Cloud adoption made easy A platform for assisting small and medium enterprises to adopt cloud solutions C. Mettouris; E. Vanezi; G. Zampas; S. Argyrou; A. Achilleos; A. Constantinides; G. Papadopoulos
Leveraging alternative data sources for socio-economic nowcasting A. Froidevaux; J. Macalos; I. Khalfoun; M. Deffrasnes; S. d’Orsetti; N. Salez; A. Sciberras
Data Management Platform For Smart Edge Orchestration B. Ayaz; N. Slamnik-Kriještorac; J. Marquez-Barja
RAMONES and Environmental Intelligence: Progress Update T. Mertzimekis; V. Lagaki; I. Madesis; G. Siltzovalis; E. Petra; P. Nomikou; P. Batista; D. Cabecinhas; A. Pascoal; L. Sebastiao; J. Escartin; K. Kebkal; K. Karantzalos; V. Douskos; A. Mallios; K. Nikolopoulos
A proposal on a Connected Automated Mobility (CAM) communication system for (U)AVs V. Charpentier; N. Slamnik-Krijestorac; J. Marquez-Barja; C. Costa
GeoSpread: an Epidemic Spread Modeling Tool for COVID-19 Using Mobility Data A. Schmedding; L. Yang; R. Pinciroli; E. Smirni
Classifying mosquito wingbeat sound using TinyML M. Altayeb; M. Zennaro; M. Rovai
A Technology Exploration towards Trustable and Safe Use of Social Media for Vulnerable Women based on Islam and Arab Culture M. Franco; S. Falyoun; K. Fisher; O. Gaggi; Y. Ghamri-Doudane; A. Nashwan; C. Palazzi; M. Shwamra
Distributed Connectivity Control in Bio-Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks M. Križmančić; T. Rabbel; E. Buss; M. Wahby; H. Hamann; S. Bogdan
Catering for Students’ Well-being during COVID-19 Social Distancing: a Case Study from a University Campus S. Ma; M. Ferreira; H. Nicolau; C. Prandi; A. Esteves; N. Nunes; V. Nisi
Advancing environmental intelligence through novel approaches in soft bioinspired robotics and allied technologies B. Mazzolai; T. Kraus; N. Pirrone; L. Kooistra; A. De Simone; A. Cottin; L. Margheri
Making homework fun T. Bjørner; A. Sum; R. Ludvigsen; N. Bouquin; F. Larsen; U. Kampel
LibertyMFD: A Lexicon to Assess the Moral Foundation of Liberty O. Araque; L. Garri; K. Kalimeri
Applying deep learning approaches to mixed quantitative-qualitative analyses L. Stacchio; A. Angeli; G. Lisanti; G. Marfia
PhytoNodes for Environmental Monitoring: Stimulus Classification based on Natural Plant Signals in an Interactive Energy-efficient Bio-hybrid System E. Buss; T. Rabbel; V. Horvat; M. Krizmancic; S. Bogdan; M. Wahby; H. Hamann
Improving accessibility of web accessibility rules O. Gaggi; L. Perinello
On Designing a Time Sensitive Interaction Graph to Identify Twitter Opinion Leaders M. Furini; L. Mariotti; R. Martoglia; M. Montangero
Impact of Vaccination and Testing in an Urban Campus Model for the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Y. Zhang; S. Kapoor
Social Good and Cultural Heritage: making the Brendel models accessible again R. Grillo; C. Morelli; V. Rubano; F. Vitali